limitless lifestyle YOUTH coaching


In Limitless Youth Coaching, we put developing minds in an atmosphere where they have the ability to discover their own vibration - their C.L.E.F.

  • Consciousness.

  • Liveliness.

  • Evolvement.

  • Fortitude.

We help them release unhelpful thoughts and emotions, empowering them to thrive personally and socially. They learn how to better navigate a constantly mentally- and emotionally-changing world during a time where they’re transforming from adolescence to adulthood. 

Because of increasing technology and various social mediums, today’s teens struggle with newer, and often more intense, forms of anxiety, stress, distraction, lack of motivation, overwhelm, low confidence, productivity and focus.

At Limitless Lifestyle Youth Coaching, we take teens as individuals, and in groups, and help them learn to construct a lifestyle not bound by the limits of what is present. They create a shift that clarifies who they’re being now and  are now and gives the the opportunity alter their future in a way they design. Our younger clients will gain a sense of freedom that allows their minds to continue exploring their wants and desires of life from an uninhibited place of being. All will be able to see and to act from a new and powerful position in life. All will be able to attain, have and keep what’s really wanted.

We will work with tools that challenge teens to rethink what is possible in their life and to gain access to their personal best. Through no fault of their own, it’s often a challenge for parents and guardians to do this. Biology, neurology and sociology combine to become a formidable foe for parents. 

Research has shown that teen don’t blatantly refuse to listen to their parents and guardians. Neurologically teens simply process parent’s voices differently than when they were young children. Parents and guardians may have read all the books, attended seminars or attended classes to get the right advice, perspective or information to get through to their children. The outcome, though incrementally better, is not always satisfying.

Our coaching style is designed to break through what the normal and predictable for our young folks. We help provide access to that which is unpredictable, unknown and discontinuous with their past experiences. Like an Olympic champion, young mind will have a coach who can help them reach what seems unattainable.

Your child’s results will not come from simply trying harder or being in the right place at the right time. Their excellence comes from their commitment and being in action with us as we navigate this trip together. They speak, listen, do the training and get the results. They will move forward from a new awareness in their life. They will no longer be confined to reacting or acting from the past.

They will begin created a limitless future.


The follow forms give us the opportunity to get to know who your child is today. The forms are very thorough and will help us help your child in the best way possible.

Page 1. can be answered by you and your child. The rest of the pages should be answered by your child. The questions will get deeply personal and will remain between your child and the coach. The same goes for the coaching sessions. You will find out what happens in the sessions from your children if they decide to tell you. There will surely be more learning as our time together progresses. But the more authentic the child can be now the sooner we can get living a limitless and resilient lifestyle - lifestyle with no limits.


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