limitless lifestyle coaching
In Limitless Lifestyle Coaching, I partner with individuals and groups interested in creating a lifestyle not bound by the limits of what is present. I work to help you create a once-and-for-all shift. My more experienced clients will find a shift that is permanent and alters who you are now and in the future. My younger clients will gain a sense of freedom that allows their minds to continue exploring their wants and desires of life from an uninhibited place of being. All will be able to see and to act from a new and powerful position in life. All will be able to attain, have and keep what’s really wanted.
Together, we will work with tools that challenge you to rethink what is possible in your life and to gain access to your personal best. This may be in any area, including relationships, business, personal dreams, career or overall life questions.
Certainly, you have done your best with what you already know. You may have even consulted with professionals, read books, attended seminars or attended classes to get the right advice, perspective or information. The outcome, though incrementally better, is not always satisfying.
My coaching style is designed to break through what is normal or predictable for you. I help provide access to that which is unpredictable, unknown and discontinuous with your past experiences. Like an Olympic champion, you will have a coach who can help you reach what seems unattainable.
Indeed, breakthrough results do not come from simply trying harder or being in the right place at the right time. Personal excellence comes from your commitment and being in action with me as we navigate this trip together. You speak, listen, do the training and get the results. You will accomplish from a new awareness in your life. No longer confined to reacting or acting from the past, you will create a limitless future.
The follow forms give me the opportunity to get to know who you are today. The forms are very thorough and will help me help you in the best way possible.
Please answer all of the questions - that you’re willing to answer - to the best of your ability. There will surely be more learning as our time together progresses. But the more authentic you can be now the sooner we can get you to living a lifestyle with no limits.