Just a different variation on the biceps curl exercise. Because of the instability of the TRX, the lats, traps and rear deltoids must act as even greater stabilizers during the movement. Important to remember. The humerus (bone from shoulder to elbow) should remain at one angle throughout the movement.
This is old faithful here! The good old fashion pulling-your-own-body's-weight. Doesn't get any simpler in explaining than: grab and pull.
Another beginner level of "Skywalking" ... which has a lot to do with back and a grip strength as well as a tiny bit of quad strength. The stronger the grip, biceps and back are, the easier this is.
Old faithful with a little weight added. Great for the back, forearms and biceps. Make sure the grip sees that the thumb gets wrapped around the bar and not clenching on the same side as the fingers.
A bit more challenging here! Gotta make sure that TRX is sturdy. If it is, be prepared to work the forearms, back and biceps in a huge way!
Old faithful with a little dynamic attention added. Great for the back, forearms and biceps. This can also be done on a standard pull-up bar, with the hands simply leaving the bar on each ascent.
Always good to add a little weight to these if we are proficient at doing regular pull-ups. But we can't do about 15 regular pull-ups, we shouldn't worrying too much about doing negatives.
This is primarily a back and shoulder exercise. But to hit just the back and shoulders, they need to be done without flexing the elbow. If, however, the goal is to get a sweet biceps workout in, then by all means, bend the elbow, feel the burn.
Doing pull-ups using an 11-pound heavy rope.
This is primarily a back and shoulder exercise. But to hit just the back and shoulders, they need to be done without flexing the elbow. If, however, the goal is to get a sweet biceps workout in, then by all means, bend the elbow, feel the burn.
A fairly intense core exercise. That forces the athlete to use a lot of grip and biceps strength, too. This is another exercise that requires the athlete to have a strong inner core before attempting it.
We love assisted pull-ups because they allow the proper range of motion while we lift what we are able to lift. Remember anytime we flex the elbow, we're putting the biceps muscle through a concentric action.